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HT Elite-

World's #1 App for Astrology based on Vedic Scripts & Data Analytics. HoraTara is advanced vedic astrology software. HoraTara gives you the access to decrypt your different phases of life through birth chart analyzer.Know your Hobbies, Preferential Courses, Career, Wedding Life and how the day to day changes in the planetary positions impact your life through HT Vedic Calender.




HT Elite

Store Unlimited Charts and unlock all the HT features by joining the elite program. Re-enroll anytime later to access the archived charts you created earlier.

If you are an Astrologer or a person who belives and follows this age old science, we encourage you to join our elite subscription. Individuals who are a part of our Elite group can store unlimited birth charts for free and record events for our data analytics project. With us, your data is secure and is only used for Astrological Research.

All users of the Elite plan will benefit from unlimited storage of birth charts and will also can avail the latest reports, techniques which we would deliver in future.

