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Relationships are made in heaven. It is important for every individual to live with their loved ones, which in turn keeps the mind, body and emotions in peace. It is mandatory for every individual to check the compatability to avoid critical hassles in ones wedding life. Wedding connections are divine. Check your compatability with Horatara and get ready for your auspicious wedding ceremony!




Boy's Chart

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Approach to Compatibility

Are you confused about different search results in websites about compatibility? Horatara gives you detailed insight about wedding analysis.

.In Modern India HoraTara is used for predicting the feasibility of a Marriage. It is said that “Marriages are made in heaven and has a karmic connection" . The situation is common: you meet someone, you are attracted, become attached, get into the relationship, but after sometime find out that it is not right for you–usually after much pain. There must be a better way. There is!

It is a tradition in India to compare and match horoscopes of prospective marriage partners. This is usually done by the parents (who were detached from the effects of their offspring’s’ hormonal interactions.) Not surprisingly, the guidance of good astrologers has resulted in a high marital success rate for happy marriages.

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In the Kuta method the Moons in both charts are compared by a set of twelve criteria based on their position in Nakshatra and Rasi (lunar mansion and sign of the zodiac). Two different systems is used in India to check compatability namely,Ashta Koot Method and Ten point system. Points are allotted for each of the eight criteria i Ashta Koot Method. The maximum value theoretically possible is 36 points in Ashta Koot Method, yet in practice no two Moons can get a compatibility rating of more than 33 points out of 36. 9 is highest point out of 10 in Ten point system.

1. The general strength of each chart individually, with special attention paid to capacity for relationship and marriage. 2. A detailed examination of compatibility between the two charts based on all the planets, not just the Moon. 3. The Ayush of the individual persons should be checked. 4. The possibility of childbirth should be determined. 5. Calculations to determine the durability of the relationship. (Many couples are attracted and seem compatible but later end up in divorce court.

For persons who are interested to get into relationship , this Vedic method of horoscopic matching is quite useful. It saves the client much time, energy, and money, and protects sensitive emotions from unnecessary pain. One needs to know only the date, time, and place of birth of the subjects.

So be sure that the astrologer you are considering to do a compatibility reading is experienced in this area and that he uses a reliable technique such as outlined above.

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Girl's Chart

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